The Apps We Use

I've always found it quite fascinating how other people live their lives. How they manage to get things done so efficiently or promptly. The contents of ones’ fridge in comparison to mine and I do believe you can tell a lot from what people have in their fridge.

Nowadays we talk a lot more about the applications (aka Apps) we use or the software systems that help us day to day. These apps not only help in the workplace but our personal space too. I find the tools and applications people use in their day to day life to assist in better headspace or flow is truly fascinating. I’ve always found this topic insightful and interesting & usually I get to try a new application or two because of it. So with this in mind I thought I would share with you the applications that I use to make my life easier and simpler & I open for trying others, suggestions are welcomes, also!

Before I get started I think it’s best to say that I approach life with a less is more approach to most things so I don’t want to have a million different apps I am using or needing to use. In no particular order, here are the important ones;

  • Mail or Outlook — I use both on my Iphone & on my Macbook Pro, this is where all my emails can be housed, both professionally & personally.

  • Dropbox — Both for business and personal. Dropbox makes it easy to access anywhere and everywhere and also to share images, files, etc.

  • SignNow — An epic app if you need to digitally sign documents.

  • Asana — A great tool in managing and allocating tasks to our team

  • Evernote – Time management app, this works really well with Asana too.

  • Tiny Scanner — Throw out your scanner because this app will scan all your important documents for you, even just taking a photo it crops the document & viola it looks professional as!

  • Zoom — For team meetings and business calls, also for hangouts with friends who live all over the world.

  • Skype — Also for team meetings and business calls & also for hangouts with friends & family all over the world.

  • Notes — For ideas and also for writing my social media content to copy & paste into the apps

  • Instagram – Love using this both professionally and personally, the use of visuals for me is fun and a great way to capture a story or moment.

  • AudioRecorder – This is a great app to record my interviews for articles and content writing, it gives me the ability to play back, store & reuse.

  • Audible - Listening to books on the move & on the go, so good!

  • Podcasts - I just use the podcast app on the apps store & I love using this app, generally I use it about 4-5 times a week. Sometimes I will listen to it on a morning walk, in between meetings when I am driving in the car or simply have it on in the background in the office. At the moment I am really enjoying the goop podcast & the next generation of innovators: future women

  • Headspace – This is a great app for meditation, I try to do 10 minutes every morning, currently on a 19 day streak! Yay.

  • Oak - This is also a great app for mindfulness, I use this for motivation. I have a prompt set for 1pm everyday to remind me to breathe or relax or it gives me some insightful words to ponder. They also over some really great breathing exercises if you require an extra burst of energy or motivation.

  • Unsplash - to help source free images to help with marketing, social & getting concepts out there.

  • Pexels - another great free image sourcing tool we use.

  • Later - I use this for a couple of my clients to help schedule social activity across multiple platforms.

  • Lightroom - Editing images

A final sweeping statement and I think it’s important to be conscious of our time on our devices. I have turned all notifications off except my reminder to do headspace & my meditative moment each day from Oak. I think when you are trying to be creative or work, the last thing you need is a device ringing at you or constantly buzzing at you & taking you away from whatever it is in that you are working on. I try to limit my time with my phone from 7am – 7pm with exceptions of course but usually I put it on charge from 7pm & don’t pick it up again until 7am (sometimes even later in the morning). Give it a go!

Disclaimer: The links and applications that we refer to above bring us a whole lot of reward, satisfaction & we just generally love to use on a daily basis. Most of them do not cost you anything but in return give you a lot of enjoyment and reward for simply using them! Give them a go.

Feel free to send us a message on any apps that you love & think we may love too


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